Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction

    1. These Terms and Conditions apply to Users of the Servoca Plc website (the Site). By using this Site, you accept and agree to these Terms and Conditions of Servoca Plc 
    2. Servoca Plc reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time regarding the use of www.servoca.com. Servoca Plc will notify Users in writing of any changes made to these Terms and Conditions.
    3. For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms and Conditions only apply to the use of the Site. 
    4. Unless otherwise indicated, Servoca Plc owns all copyright in the material on the Site. All registered or unregistered trademarks used on the Site are the property of their respective owners.
    5. Servoca Plc authorises you to print, copy, reproduce, download and view materials on the Site, subject to:

      • the material being used in the intended manner; 
      • the material being used exclusively for non-commercial personal use; and 
      • the material not being modified in any manner. 
    6. If you download material from the Site, it is licensed to you by Servoca Plc for non-commercial personal use only. You are expressly prohibited from licensing, selling, distributing, de-compiling, reverse engineering or otherwise dealing with it.
  2. Use of the Site

    1. You must not upload to, or distribute or publish through, the Site any inappropriate communication in any form. Inappropriate communications include obscene, harassing, pornographic, abusive, slanderous, defamatory, vulgar, threatening or offensive material.
    2. Commercial use of the Site is strictly prohibited.
    3. By uploading materials to the Site, you grant Servoca Plc a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual licence to use, modify, reproduce, distribute or otherwise deal with the uploaded material in any manner which Servoca Plc deems appropriate. In addition, you agree to waive all "moral rights" in those materials.
    4. The Site contains trademarks, which may be registered or otherwise protected by law. These include the Servoca Plc name and logo. You are not permitted to use these trademarks.
  3. Privacy

    1. The Servoca Plc Privacy Policy will also apply to your use of this Site.
    2. Although Servoca Plc has implemented security measures in relation to information uploaded to the www.servoca.com, you acknowledge that the Internet is inherently insecure and that Servoca Plc will not be responsible for any breach of security or unintended loss or disclosure of information in relation to the Site.
    3. We also collect information on the times and ways you use the Site. This information will be used for the purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy and to improve the operation of this Site.
  4. Information and services at the Site

    1. Servoca Plc updates the Site regularly, however Servoca Plc makes no representation as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of any information or services at the Site. All information and services are provided on the basis that you undertake the responsibility for assessing at your own risk.
    2. All information and services at the Site are provided on an "as is" basis. To the fullest extent permitted by law, www.servoca.com excludes all terms, conditions and representations, express or implied. Any liability of Servoca Plc under these terms and conditions, under any other provisions that by law cannot be excluded or that are not otherwise excluded under this clause is, where permitted by law, limited at the option of Servoca Plc to the re-supply of the relevant information or services. In no event will Servoca Plc be liable for any consequential or indirect loss incurred by you in relation to the use of the Site.
  5. Links to other Sites

    1. The Site may from time to time provide access to other sites on the Internet via hyperlinks located on the Site. Servoca Plc is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, and decency of material or copyright compliance of any linked Site or services or information provided via any linked Site. Servoca Plc expressly disclaims any and all liability in relation to linked Sites. Servoca Plc is not responsible for and will not be liable in respect of the content or operation of those websites or any of the goods and services that they describe.
    2. You are not permitted to link to or frame the Site without Servoca Plc's express written permission.
  6. Indemnity

    1. You must maintain the confidentiality of your password. You are entirely responsible for any and all actualities which occur in relation to transactions conducted by you via the Site. You hereby indemnify Servoca Plc from any liability or expense arising from use or misuse of the Site by you, including in relation to any communication (including but not limited to data, images, video, text and/or sound), which you upload to the Site. You agree to notify Servoca Plc immediately of any unauthorised transaction conducted by you via the Site.

  7. Jurisdiction

    1. These terms and conditions will be construed in accordance with, and are governed by, the laws of the England and Wales. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in and of England and Wales in relation to any dispute arising under these terms and conditions. Servoca Plc does not warrant or represent that the Site is appropriate for use in other locations where such content is or may be illegal, or may infringe any person's rights.
  8. Liability

    1. Servoca Plc and its related bodies corporate will not be liable for any loss, damage, claim, cost or expense incurred whatsoever in connection with the use of the Site. To the extent that any non-excludable warranties are implied into these conditions by law, Servoca Plc liability in respect of the Site is limited to re-supplying the relevant content or the reasonable cost of re-supplying the relevant Site, whichever Servoca Plc elects to provide.
    2. Servoca Plc and its related bodies corporate will not in any case be liable for any direct or indirect lost profit or any indirect, consequential or special damages arising out of or in connection with the Site. 
  9. Changes

    1. Servoca Plc reserves the right to make any changes at any time without prior notice and at Servoca Plc's absolute discretion, to these Terms and Conditions and the range of Partners. Servoca Plc will reasonably attempt to notify Users of any changes but will not be liable in any way for failure to do so.
  10. The Privacy Policy

    1. Subject to the Privacy Policy, information from the Servoca Plc Database will be made available to certain third party service providers involved in administering the Servoca Plc website, including, but not limited to, Netspeed (secure service provider).
    2. Information from the Servoca Plc Database will also be used by Servoca Plc for marketing (direct and all other kinds), planning, product development, research and other commercial purposes for Servoca Plc and on behalf of Partners.
    3. Each User consents and agrees to the provision of the information on the application form to Servoca Plc and authorises Servoca Plc to access the information contained in it.
    4. A User can request to see his or her personal information stored on the, Servoca Plc Database. A request may be made by telephone 08701 602 901, or by writing to us at Servoca Plc, 41 Whitcomb Street, London, WC2H 7DT. Servoca Plc would welcome any feedback from Users to correct any inaccuracies in respect of their personal information.
    5. Users have the option of not providing certain information requested by Servoca Plc. However, Users should note that this may prevent the www.servoca.com site from offering all of its services to Users or benefactors.
  11. General

    1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and must be construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Users submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales in respect of all matters or things arising out of these Terms and Conditions.
    2. For your information here are some examples of relevant third parties and other related organisations that Servoca Plc liaises with:
      • PASA
      • The Home Office
      • ACPO
      • HPC
      • CRB

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© 2020 Servoca Plc. All intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the content found on this site belongs to Servoca Plc. All rights are reserved. Registered Office: Kingston House, Towers Business Park, Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 2LD. Company Number 2641313. Registered in England and Wales

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